Tanwat is an integrated forestry products business cultivating and processing wattle and producing vegetable tannin extract from wattle bark, treated poles from eucalyptus and sawn timber, plywood from pine. The excess timber from each of the three species is used as fuelwood
TANWAT will promote the conservation of biodiversity within its landholding, a portion of the land will be managed with the primary objective of maintaining grassland related biodiversity. Rare, endagered and protected species or areas that have high biodiversity will be identified and protected from damage.
USE OF FIRE -A company policy will be adapted as closely as possible to natural fire regimes.
THE LOSS OF WATER QUALITY - the company policy will minimise its impact on the quantity and quality of water resources. Due to unnatural situation from company roads, plantation compartments and other company sites will be minimised.
NUTRIENT STATUS - The company policy will maintain the productivity of its resource base the nutrients status of the soil will be maintained over successive rotations.
We are here to provide quality forest products, Welcome Tanwat
Copyright © Tanganyika Wattle Company Limited
Distributed by: TANWAT IT TEAM